Event Planning 101: How to incorporate fitness into your busy workday


It’s no secret that we should keep our health and wellness top of mind, but sometimes our incredibly busy lifestyles get the best of us. Event professionals in particular are expected to effortlessly juggle an ever-growing list of priorities, with clients counting on them to be there at any given moment.

Tip #1: Rise and shine

If your day is filled with client meetings, phone calls and emails, perhaps the only opportunity to work out is early morning. The first few days will be tough, but after a few weeks it will become routine and get much easier.

Tip #2: Plan ahead and schedule yourself in

To avoid having one more thing to remember during the morning rush, pack workout gear the night before and schedule fitness into your day. As an Event Manager, there are always unexpected events and issues that pop up throughout the day and can easily throw off your workout plans.

By programming a workout into your calendar just as you do a meeting, you're more likely to follow through.

Tip #3: Take advantage of the daily work commutes

Becoming a physical commuter isn’t as daunting a task as it may seem. Incorporating walking, running or biking into your day is another great way to make sure that you get more physical activity each week.

If public transit is your method of choice, get off at an earlier stop and walk the extra distance. If you drive to work, park a few extra blocks away. Whichever option you choose, you’re going to arrive to work more focused and alert.

Tip #4: Keep fit while at work

When you arrive to work, there are many small but effective ways you can incorporate health and wellness into your day:

  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
  • Make the most of your breaks and lunch hour. Instead of sitting at your desk, get out and take a walk with a co-worker.
  • On that note, buddy up. Motivation is key, and having the additional support will help you get through your workout.
  • Get up from your desk and stretch throughout the day.
  • Pack lunches for the week to avoid making that tempting and convenient trip to a fast food restaurant. Staying in shape requires a balance of healthy eating and working out.

Tip #5: Keep a workout journal

Incorporating more physical activity into your day and living a healthier lifestyle can be a significant paradigm shift, but in time it can feel like a natural part of your day.

Write down your goals and achievements to help you stay motivated and on track. If you stick to it, you’ll continue to do better each week. In the end, you’re going to have more energy, become more productive, and be a better advocate for your clients.